Mastering the British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon: 3 Key Steps for Success

Learn about the British citizenship ceremony in Swindon, including the process, requirements, and significance of the event.

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In this blog readers with learn all about British citizenship ceremony in Swindon, including the process, requirements, and significance of the event. Get a grasp on the specifics of how Swindon Borough Council carry out their ceremonies.

Citizenship Ceremony Process

Booking process

Step 1: Invitation Letter Receival

Within 14 days of receiving a letter from the Home Office stating that your British citizenship application was successful, new citizens residing in Swindon may book their citizenship ceremony.

You must book your British citizenship ceremony within 3 months from the date of the letter. 

If you are over 18 years old and living in the UK, you must attend a citizenship ceremony. Children under 18 years old are not required to attend but instead are encouraged to.

Step 2: Local Authority

The invitation letter will include your local authority’s telephone number which you can use to book your British citizenship ceremony. Or you can make a booking through their website online.

To find your local authority you can also put your postcode in here: Organise your citizenship ceremony with your council – GOV.UK ( In this case the local authority will be Swindon Borough Council.

Step 3: Group or Private Ceremony

Through Swindon Borough Council’s website you can either book a group or private ceremony: Citizenship ceremonies | Swindon Borough Council

  1. Firstly, by clicking on the link above you will be directed to a booking website and you must fill in the ‘number of attendees’ you wish to bring.
  2. Secondly, fill in your full name and Home Office Reference number which will be on your Invitation Letter.
  3. Thirdly, continue the rest of the online application filling in any personal details according to your ID document.

You may select either a standard group ceremony which costs a statutory fee of £80. As it is a statutory fee this means that it is the same across the whole of the country. 

However, if you wish to have a private ceremony the cost on average will be over £100.

Attending Process:

  • A group ceremony in Swindon will be in the presence of both the Superintendent Registrar and the Worshipful the Mayor of Swindon.
  • When attending your British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon either you will swear an oath of allegiance (or an affirmation if you do not want to swear by God) to the Crown and make a pledge to uphold the rights, values, and laws of the UK.

Oath of allegiance

“I, (name), swear by Almighty God that, on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors, according to law.”

Affirmation of allegiance

“I (name) do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that on becoming a British Citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her Heirs and Successors, according to law.”


“I will give my loyalty to the United Kingdom and respect its rights and freedoms. I will uphold its democratic values. I will observe its laws faithfully and fulfil my duties and obligations as a British citizen.”

  • You will be given a certificate of British citizenship and a welcome pack.
  • At the end of the ceremony, you will usually sing the national anthem.
  • Depending on your local authority professional photographs may be taken which are available to purchase.

You can watch a short clip of where the Swindon citizenship ceremony is held here: Citizenship Ceremony at the Civic Office in Swindon | Thirty-eight Swindon residents officially became British citizens at a special event at the Civic Offices yesterday! Every month, the Council welcomes… | By Swindon Borough Council | Facebook.

What to bring?

  • Your invitation letter from the Home Office or an email version if you have only received an email from the Home Office.
  • Your passport or photo ID, such as a driving license.

How many guests can attend British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon?

Group Ceremony: You may bring up to 2 guests in British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon. 

Private Ceremony: You may bring up to 8 guests.

Note that young children should be accompanied by adults.

After the British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon

The citizenship certificate given to you during the ceremony is needed when applying for your British passport and is also legal evidence of your British citizenship.

Please note that your citizenship certificate must not be personally laminated otherwise it will not be accepted as evidence of citizenship when applying for a British passport.

FAQs about British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon

  • What happens if I am abroad?

    You can ask the embassy/consulate in the country you are living in if you can have the British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon there. But please note that if you applied for citizenship in the UK, you cannot have your ceremony abroad.

  • Are there any exemptions to attending a British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon?

    Yes. You are exempted from attending a British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon if you are registering to become one of the following:
    1- British Overseas Territories citizen
    2- British overseas citizen
    3- British subject

  • How long do group ceremonies normally last?

    Group ceremonies normally last around 30 minutes.

  • What are the benefits of becoming a British citizen?

    There are many benefits that come with naturalising as a British citizen and some of these include the right to live in the UK permanently, access to free medical care, the right to work and study in the UK, the right to vote, being a holder of a British passport, and the right to claim state benefits.

  • Does everyone have to attend a citizenship ceremony after naturalising as a British citizen?

    Yes, everyone over the age of 18 who has successfully naturalised as a British citizen must book and attend a British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon through their local authority.

  • What questions will I be asked when I book my citizenship ceremony?

    Whether you book your citizenship ceremony online or over the telephone some of the questions you may be asked include: how many guests you wish to bring? Would you like to make an oath or affirmation of allegiance? Would you prefer a group or individual ceremony?

  • What must I bring on the day of the British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon?

    You must bring your Home Office Invitation Letter, as well as some form of identification.


The British Citizenship Ceremony in Swindon is the last step on the journey to becoming a British citizen and enjoying the many benefits that come with this. 

Please contact our expert team of immigration lawyers at Henleaze Law on 0117 908 4625 for legal assistance. We will review your application for British citizenship and help you apply for your first British passport. 

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